In a groundbreaking development, Rajasthan Royals, an Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise, is reportedly preparing to extend a lucrative multi-year contract to England’s limited-overs captain, Jos Buttler. This landmark deal, according to sources at leading British newspaper ‘Telegraph,’ could reshape the landscape of cricket contracts. With the rising influence of private T20…
Join the Leading Tech Summit in Bengaluru on August 10th, 2023 – Register Now!
BizTech 2023, the highly anticipated Business Growth Summit, concluded on June 8, 2023, at the prestigious Hotel Courtyard By Marriott in Satellite, Ahmedabad. The event, presented by HRone and Cronberry and organized by Software Suggest, exceeded all expectations by bringing together a diverse group of industry…
Mumbai, India – June 27, 2023 – Emiza, the trusted leader in powering commerce and driving the supply chain, has introduced Unify, an innovative platform poised to redefine the landscape of Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) customer experiences. Unveiled at the prestigious India D2C Summit 2023 on June 7th at The Westin Powai, Mumbai, this groundbreaking platform has garnered significant praise and…
Mumbai, India – June 27, 2023 – Emiza, a trusted leader in powering commerce and driving the supply chain for businesses of all sizes, has officially launched Unify, a groundbreaking platform set to redefine the customer experience landscape in D2C. The highly anticipated launch took place at the esteemed India D2C Summit 2023, held on June 7th at The Westin Powai, Mumbai, garnering immense…
Jaipur, India – Celebal Technologies has proudly announced that it has been awarded the prestigious 2023 Microsoft AI Partner of the Year Award. Amongst a global pool of top Microsoft partners, Celebal Technologies stood out for its exceptional innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.
Expressing his gratitude for receiving the award, Anirudh Kala…
Adani Enterprises Annual Report Highlights Supreme Court Panel’s Positive Findings
Five months following the bombshell short seller report that caused significant market value losses for his conglomerate, Gautam Adani, chairman of the Adani Group, has reiterated his confidence in the group’s governance and disclosure standards. In the annual report of Adani Enterprises Ltd, the…
WEF Highlights India’s Significant Improvements and Momentum Across All Energy Transition Dimensions
In a groundbreaking report released in collaboration with Accenture, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has ranked India at the 67th place globally on its Energy Transition Index, positioning the country as the only major economy with accelerating energy transition momentum across all dimensions.
Innovations in Public Performance Management: for Policy Makers. Conference organized by MDI Gurgaon
With a goal to garner the evidence and identify best practices on innovation and smart practices in public performance management worldwide, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (MDI) is organizing a conference on June 30 & July 01, 2023 in association with the National Center for Public Performance Suffolk University, The Commonwealth & IBM Center for The Business of Government.
Asian Infotel Pvt Ltd, a Telecom System Integrator based in Mumbai, recently achieved a remarkable feat at the prestigious 19th ICT World Communication Summit and Award held in Geneva. They were honored with the Excellence in Telecom Managed Services award, marking a significant milestone in their journey.
The Managing Director of Asian Infotel Pvt Ltd, Girish Nagarkar, graciously accepted the…
The education sector has experienced significant changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The shift towards online learning has been prominent, but as circumstances improve, there has been a noticeable trend of individuals gravitating towards offline teaching methods. Recognizing this, Alpha Regiment, an innovative Indian ed-tech platform, has emerged as a groundbreaking solution that bridges the gap…