
In-Person complimentary Mega Career Guidance Session in Delhi

Join the complimentary 3 hours open Career Guidance Session where the Career Counsellors, HR Head & Academic head will guide students & fresher and create awareness among the people, as getting employable is a significant concern though the options are many.

It is a need of the hour to create awareness among the students and Fresher to make them employable.

This in-person career counselling event for Delhi, NCR School students will kick off this year with a Mega Career Counselling Session on Dec 16,2022.

The National Career Counsellors Network, in association with Career Beacon, will conduct a Mega Career Counselling Session focusing on futuristic Careers.

Students can avail of Career Counselling from India’s best Career Guidance Experts at no cost.

Students of Class IX to XII will receive Career Guidance & Freshers & Undergraduates and Campus to Corporate Orientation by HR Head from Mobility Industry.
To register for Complimentary Guidance, write to nccn.careerhaackathon@gmail.com

Registration Link- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mega-career-counselling-tickets-474041459767

Event Link- http://ch22.nccnindia.in/ch22


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