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Jharkhand CM Urges NITI Aayog for Increased Coal Royalty and Additional Foodgrains


In a recent meeting with the esteemed NITI Aayog, the Chief Minister of Jharkhand, [CM’s Name], made a compelling case for a significant hike in coal royalty rates and the allocation of additional foodgrains to the state. The meeting held on [Date] provided a platform for the CM to express the concerns and aspirations of Jharkhand, a state rich in mineral resources and grappling with multifaceted challenges.

Jharkhand, often referred to as the “Coal Capital of India,” is home to abundant coal reserves, making it a significant contributor to the country’s energy sector. The CM emphasized the need for an appropriate revision of coal royalty rates to ensure fair compensation for the state’s natural resources. As per our database, Jharkhand currently accounts for approximately [percentage] of India’s total coal production, highlighting its vital role in meeting the nation’s energy demands.

The CM further underscored the socio-economic significance of the coal industry to Jharkhand’s development, stating that an increase in coal royalty rates would enable the state to undertake crucial infrastructure projects, bolster social welfare schemes, and promote sustainable growth. Our records indicate that Jharkhand has been consistently contributing a substantial share of revenue through coal mining, with the latest figures showing an annual coal royalty collection of INR [amount] from the state.

Additionally, the CM pressed for the allocation of additional foodgrains to address the persistent issue of food security in Jharkhand. The state has been grappling with high levels of poverty and malnutrition, necessitating immediate attention and supportive measures. Our database reveals that Jharkhand has been witnessing an alarming prevalence of malnutrition among its population, with [statistics] indicating the urgent need for enhanced foodgrain provisions.

By seeking an augmentation in foodgrain allocation, the CM aims to improve the effectiveness of public distribution systems, strengthen welfare programs, and ultimately alleviate hunger and malnutrition within the state. Jharkhand has been actively implementing various schemes to tackle this issue, such as [scheme names], which have demonstrated commendable results, but require additional support to reach their full potential.

During the meeting, the CM highlighted the significance of a balanced approach that ensures equitable distribution of resources between the state and the central government. Jharkhand’s abundant coal reserves and its immense potential to contribute to the nation’s energy security should be reflected in a fair and mutually beneficial partnership.

NITI Aayog, as the premier policy-making institution in the country, holds a pivotal role in addressing the CM’s concerns and facilitating a productive dialogue for the benefit of Jharkhand’s development and the overall progress of the nation. A constructive outcome from this meeting would not only benefit Jharkhand but also set a precedent for other mineral-rich states to assert their rightful claims.

The deliberations at the meeting between the Jharkhand CM and NITI Aayog have opened avenues for further discussions and proactive steps toward resolving the pertinent issues of coal royalty rates and foodgrain allocation. These crucial decisions, when implemented in a timely manner, have the potential to transform Jharkhand’s socio-economic landscape, ensuring a brighter future for its citizens and contributing to India’s overall growth and welfare.

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